Sunday, August 31, 2008
Us East Coasters have wary eyes on Tropical Storm Hanna, which has an entire week to fritter out into nothing or take a ride up the coast or along the Appalachians. North Carolina, Virginia, & Jersey are as vulnerable to tropical depression river flooding from the west as to storms from the ocean.
Living at The Kismet
Megan & I stayed at the Kismet in '95. We must have tested the limits of what The Kismet's proprietors wanted for clientele when a couple of college age friends came down & took a room for a night. Kismet liked fishermen who got up early & went to bed early. We weren't noisy but the proprietors probably figured out from our general high spirits what we were smoking. But it turned out to be our last boardwalk trip together. She finished her art degree, we broke up, she moved to Jersey City & was married within a few years. I don't begrudge former girlfriends their subsequent happiness.
I enjoyed the new routines, the quiet nights, the convenience of being so close to an interesting beach & inlet, going there several times each day. I saw birds I had never seen before. I could hear the ocean from our room when the breakers were splashing. It was a minor matter to drive a mile or so down island, park on a side street near the The Grey Manor, where I had stayed, & pick up the boardwalk there.
A small edition of my poem Boardwalk was finally published in'98 & to celebrate I spent a week by myself at The Kismet. It was a worthwhile if solitary vacation, giving me an opportunity to explore Cape May at my own pace, stopping wherever & whenever I wanted for as long as I wanted. If The Kismet owners liked quiet guests, they must have loved me that year. As pleasantly & quickly as the week passed, having someone with me was better. But I did not want to come home. Weekend rates & a scheduled radio show forced the matter.

I believed that if I could live at The Kismet I'd give up most of what I own - which isn't much - to fit myself into a single room. Emily Dickinson reputedly made due on three books: The King James Bible, Collected Works of Shakespeare, & a dictionary. I have a computer & the internet. The boardwalk season begins & ends on schedule, but the natural seasons seamlessly change with ocean temperatures & migrating birds. I have never had a walk by an ocean or bay as part of my daily routine. It has been my dream since I was child. The closest I came was living next to a narrow, urban tidal stream miles from open water. I am a fool.
I'm a different person down there, perhaps a better person, if that means liking who you are. Maybe it's the higher ozone level. Would I be that person all the time if I lived there, comfortable in myself, or do I just need someone around me all the time who understands why I would imagine it?
(The orange dot in the photo is The Kismet. Hereford Lighthouse is three blocks up, just to the left. As the tide falls, long sand bars emerge extending into the inlet at top, with a wide, shallow tidal pool near the shore that traps schools of small fish & attracts wading & diving birds. Kayaking is popular. The inlet itself has too many shifting shoals for most power boats. )
Labels: jersey shore, love, mental health, motel hotel, Wildwoods NJ
North Wildwood NJ
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Is it possible
We've seen enough tawdry What were they thinking? behavior at the highest levels of government to know that it exists, & that it can be very strange behavior, & to know that persons are sometimes brought quickly & in unforeseen ways into public spotlights they never expected to have illuminating their personal lives.
That's why Gov. Sarah Palin has to be vetted for rumors that are unpleasant to hear, for statements she might have made that, at the time, the Lower 48 had no reason to hear. Alaska is a distant & exotic place to us down here. Alaskans enjoy their political & cultural isolation, from us & from each other; they're proud of it. They like to remind us how different they are up there, independent & self-reliant, even peculiar. So they shouldn't come down here & expect us not to be skeptical when they say; Here's our beauty queen soccer mom governor for ya, folks. She's just like you. Indeed, perhaps she is, in ways she'd rather we didn't learn.
We used to have a governor here in New Jersey, elected with 56% of the vote, whose closest staffers made certain we knew - unofficially of course - about every Guys Night Out he had at the local Badda Bing Club with his pals. He was Catholic. He had the kind of working class background Democrats worship. He could campaign with ease through a lunch crowd at a Jersey diner. He divorced. He remarried. His first wife moved far, far away with their daughter & never commented on their relationship. He entertained ambitions of national office - like Vice President Jim McGreevey. Had he stayed in office without major scandal he would've been on the long list for VP this year, & spoken at the convention, & probably offered a cabinet post in an Obama administration. We're a small state sandwiched between two huge media markets. Yet, this very smart politician's secret didn't come out until he did something inexplicably stupid.
Labels: Grandma Palin, THE election
Friday, August 29, 2008
Kismet Motel
A pink & white cottage with a separate single-story row of rooms behind it. A motor court, really. Outside, a man was on a ladder, painting the porch trim. There was a portable workbench set up in the small parking lot. A woman on the porch was watering flowers in pots. How had I missed this place on previous trips? We pulled over in front of The Kismet, got out & went over to talk to the flower woman. She & her husband had bought The Kismet that year from the old widow of the man who had built it himself in the 50s. They were restoring it to more-or-less its original look. They lived there with their teenaged son who was soon off to college. This was their dream. Their rates were modest. No pool. No gameroom. Open through Oct, maybe a bit longer. It was a quiet place. She looked over my punkish, considerably younger companion with her close-cropped hair & multiple ear-piercings, the short stocky frame of a former All-County field hockey player. Well, yeah, we were a peculiar couple. But Megan also possessed a soft Piscean face that put people at ease, & we had been together for 18 months. The lady gave us a business card. We got back in the car, drove three short blocks; on the left was the lighthouse, turn right for the ocean & beach, the choppy waters of Hereford Inlet straight ahead. The Kismet was it.
Labels: jersey shore, motel hotel, Wildwoods NJ
Sarah Palin, Wet Dream for Born Agains

Still warm off the press, but on first reaction she looks like an excellent gamble. Definitely a gamble. McCain recognized that some of the tactics he was using against Barack probably wouldn't fly after the DNC, specifically "inexperience" & "unpresidential." So he's getting rid of them. Palin will play very well in many places. She could make a serious gaff, but McCain's willing to risk that. Palin has to deliver a winner of a convention speech & hold her own in a VP debate, but other than those, she's out on the road working the demographics she's been chosen to work. She did her first job; countering Obama's speech in

On another site, someone posed the question: "How many experienced Republican women were overlooked to choose her?" If the Dems don't have to pick Hillary, he doesn't have to pick Olympia Snowe (who might've been the VP candidate but for her prochoice views). Sarah Palin is a Christian Right wet dream. They'll gladly trade a few years of McCain for a future President Palin. Unlike George W., who joined them, Palin is from them. "Vote for John McCain because if if is God's will that he is unable to complete his term of office, then it is God's will that Sarah shall command us!"
Labels: religion, sex, THE election
Signed, Sealed, and Delivered
John McCain is the Repug nominee by default. I think he expected to be elected president by default. Next week, McCain has to provide reasons for voting for him other than that he's not Barack Obama. I won't be watching much of that show.
I promise you this: No matter what country music stars the Repugs have lined up for their week, they won't have anything nearly as fabulous as Stevie Wonder performing "Signed, Sealed, & Delivered." & they'll just disappoint millions of men & Mary Cheney if volleyball medalists Misty May & Kerri lead the Pledge of Allegiance & aren't wearing bikinis.
Labels: music, THE election
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Connecting with the Dream
The Repugs would do well to give Barack his space & moment & venue, especially if they expect to have the conceit that black Americans should vote against their own interests like bankrupt Kansas farmers. Barack is not standing alone at the podium, & he is standing there for more than himself & the Democratic Party, just as Colin Powell or Condoleezza Rice would do if the Repugs had nominated either of them. There are two months to take Barack down on the details.
Shawn Johnson Peace Sign earrings alert: She's leading the Pledge of Allegiance at the stadium.
Labels: THE election
Jill Biden
I was unimpressed, though, with Joe's praise of his mom for having ordered him to give a bully a bloody nose. That response is not an all-purpose solution to bullying, it's an act of desperation. It may deflect a bully's attention on to someone even weaker, but it won't change the bully. But as a political lesson, it's probably a good one right now.
Labels: THE election
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
The Grey Manor

I did return to the Gray Manor a couple of years later with a new friend. The trip down the Parkway was so enjoyable that we didn't even mind getting stuck in a massive traffic jam just below Ocean City. It was a warm day & after a few minutes of going nowhere people got out of their cars & began tossing frisbees & beach balls around with strangers. Fay had a couple who wanted to stay extra nights in the stuffy little room we'd reserved, so she installed us in a better one on the top floor with a wide deck in front of our door. One night we sat out there with a pizza & watched fireworks. It was very pleasant. My new companion was a genuine boardwalk girl whose family owned a half-shack in Lavallette near the Seaside Heights border, so she was delighted to be in Wildwood. I hadn't had that kind of girlfriend since I was 18. We wandered around with ease, except when she thought I was looking too intently at a woman getting a real tattoo in a boardwalk parlor. We ate up the three days & went back the following year for the whole midweek special, also great although we were in the little room. We visited the zoo, went on the ferry, poked around trinket shops (I''d had an ear pierced & found a small Horseshoe Crab earring in one of larger shell shops). We took the sort of long evening strolls so appreciated by seasoned boardwalk afficionados, where you look at everything but don't feel compelled to buy anything. You eat supper before you go there, play your favorite games in your favorite arcades, listen to music through open doors of clubs, laugh at silly people, treat yourself to an ice cream cone, & then go look at the ocean before you head back to your digs for the night. A dying hurricane was passing several hundred miles offshore & for two days the entire wide flat beach was covered with a layer of water only inches deep at high tide, with wavelets rippling across that expanse, & the sky over Wildwood was gray much of the time, no swimming. But the sun was shining ten miles west over the mainland. Strange weather.That final stay at the Grey Manor resulted in a major - & for me, shocking - conclusion: That I needed to find a place to stay away from the boardwalk.
I had soaked up enough boardwalk atmosphere & been exactly where I had wanted to be. I'd also had enough of being within earshot of the screaming people riding The Condor. The pier was many blocks away but you could see the ride from the balcony of the motel. Street traffic didn't let up until 3 am & then there were happy drunks singing their way back from the bars. The Grey Manor itself had some noisy clientele. It wasn't all due to my becoming middle-aged. It wasn't like I was trying to get to sleep before midnight. There were, after all, other aspects of the shore I had always loved. Only one mile north of The Grey Manor was a beautiful lighthouse, a much narrower beach you could cross without a camel, seawalls, Hereford Inlet entering the ocean, & wide sandbars at low tide. There was fresh coffee & decent pizza in that direction. The pace up there was considerably more relaxed. Maybe, if I listened closely, I could actually hear the ocean at night.
Labels: boardwalks, jersey shore, motel hotel, postcard, Wildwoods NJ
Little Anthony & the Imperials
Labels: music
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Believe it or not
NEW YORK — Late summer visitors to Manhattan's Ripley's Believe It or Not! Odditorium be advised: The museum's newest exhibit famously favors those yearning to be creative—procreative, that is.I had a small fertility figure from an African woodcarver who used to set up at a local mall. After awhile I decided I didn't like it & gave it to a friend. She had a larger collection of exotic objects & it could gather dust on a shelf in her house. She was nearly 40, recently married, & not trying to become pregnant. Apparently she wasn't not trying enough. A few months after she received the statue, she was with child, like they say.
According to Ripley's, some 2,000 women reported pregnancies after touching its pair of ebony West African fertility figures. Acquired in 1993, the 5-foot totems did three world tours before returning to Ripley's Orlando headquarters in 2001, where they drew pilgrims. The nude king and queen figures, carved by the Baule people of Ivory Coast, kick off a new three-year circuit on Aug. 26 in Times Square.
Apparently hands that long to rock a cradle have so worn down the statues that one of the queen's breasts shows signs of wear and the king's male organ is about "2 inches less in diameter than it used to be when we got it," according to Tim O'Brien, Ripley's vice president of communications.
Visitors can touch the statues, the most popular exhibit in Ripley's history, for free, he said.
She's been a great mom. I think she's always considered me & the carving somehow involved. Her husband wouldn't agree.
Labels: sex
Entertain me
Later: Shawn Johnson wore her white peace sign earrings again, this time on Letterman. The girl is definitely making a statement, if only a general sentiment. She chooses to wear them.
Labels: THE election
Monday, August 25, 2008
Finding Wildwood

Downtown Wildwood in the late 80s was a failed pedestrian mall; the city had fallen for the Urban Renewal scam, lost the core of its pre World war II history & had nothing else to replace it. Wildwood is still throwing itself away. Not having gone there as a child or adolescent, the town fortunately was incapable of breaking my heart. Visits to Atlantic City & Asbury Park are tough enough. I knew there were plans on the drafting table to widen the two lane causeway into North Wildwood & replace the drawbridge, getting rid of all the shacks. There was creeping condo development at both ends of 7 Mile island. The 50s & 60s motels had been publicized & praised in a study from the Yale Architectural School. But that wouldn't be enough to save them. Most of the smaller motels were family-owned, & those not located on a beach block were obviously struggling. The city's "Doo Wop" promotional campaigns were just that. No serious effort was being made at developing & codifying anything that would constitute a real attempt at preservation of buildings or even style. It was mostly, in a word, jiveass. Wildwood real estate would soon enough be as ripe for the picking as a Matawan cornfield. Unlike Cape May City or Ocean Grove, the buyers don't buy to live there.
These initial Wildwood experiences happened in the declining years of a lengthy relationship . I might have gotten more out of them if I'd been alone. She liked boardwalks but had no childhood memories or family connections to the shore. I appreciate that she had the patience to let me explore mine. Our fathers had died a few years before & she understood this was a large part of how I was coming to terms.
Labels: boardwalks, jersey shore, motel hotel, postcard, Wildwoods NJ
Busby Berkeley in Hell.
This much I'll guess: The Brits won't spend forty billion dollars in 2012, shut down their ports, enlist a million "volunteers," & destroy Tibet.
I watched what interested me & was easy to find, mostly volleyball, some BMX biking, whatever was on late if I turned on the TV late & it was worth seeing. But the Olympics don't interest me as such. They're a frightening glimpse of the "New World Order" in which nationalism & idealized bodies are celebrated with a tribal religiosity not so distant from the Olympia of Leni Riefenstahl even as the event becomes subservient to international corporatism. They call this peace?
Misty May, Kerri, Shawn, & Michael had to compete on behalf of some nation or not compete. But many of the non-American track & field athletes could have waved their American college pennants along with their national flags. The Cuban volleyball teams are authentically nationalist, just as the old Soviet hockey players were technically members of the Soviet Army. The Gold Medal American women's basketball team came together just weeks before the Olympics, some WNBA players went back to their home countries. Michael Phelps' mom & other Olympic parents would have worn corporate logo clothing if not for rules against it. That may yet change until everything & everyone get plastered with ads like at NASCAR. Aiming for the Olympic is lifelong gamble, the odds are hugely against it, & it's expensive in America to reach the level where one's costs are defrayed. But the payoff ... global superstardom.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Kickoff party todayWhat are they kicking? Who are they registering?
Today, Nesbitt Funeral Home in Elizabeth holds a kickoff party on the eve of the Democratic National Convention in Denver, from 3 to 6 p.m. at 165 Madison Ave.
The Union County rally for the Democratic Party's presumptive nominee for president, Sen. Barack Obama, and his running mate, Sen. Joseph Biden Jr., will include speeches, music and refreshments, along with a voter registration drive.
A midweek special
I patronize a small, no-frills, family-owned motor court called The Kismet, a few blocks south of Hereford Inlet & a mile north of the nearest loud boardwalk amusements. It has no swimming pool, game room, or resident psychiatrist. I don't need those frills anymore.
After making reservations in May for a 5 night "midweek special" in August, I start worrying about the weather, intently studying the long range forecasts, hoping for the jet stream to make a certain snakelike loop over the Great Plains. I expect 85 degree days, balmy nights, & a big thunderstorm scheduled to begin promptly at midnight Wednesday & ending 30 minutes later. Since having my flesh slowly incinerated at the beach holds no appeal for me, a cloudy day won't ruin a visit to Cape May Zoo or keep me out of the undertow.
Vacation logistics are about what to bring & in this matter I am a Survivalist, so I must transport my own coffeemaker. Because I want to spend money on good stuff, like crab cakes, pizza, & ice cream, I also pack bowls, utensils, snacks, cereal & anything else that might keep me out of an all-you-can buffet, I stop by the local Pathmark before I check in. Wandering around the shore on an empty stomach is risky; nothing blows a budget faster than boardwalk food. I also pack Alka-Seltzer, boombox, a couple of books, & the strongest sunblock legally available.
Clothes perplex me. Might be hot, cool, rainy, or the first ever August snow. The worse weather pattern has muggy days with a nippy drizzle & a hurricane 200 miles offshore, which happened one year. All possibilities must be anticipated. Fashion counts for little. No one on the beach in late afternoon looks thrice at a skinny middleaged guy wearing flowerprint swim trucks, xtra large Mister Bubbles teeshirt, sea shell necklace, & green Aloha Surf cap. Only a writer would look like that.. For evenings on the boardwalk I bring ten pocket baggy khaki pants. Lots of places to stash coins for pinball. Forget about socks.
Finally, I pack everything in backpacks & plastic supermarket bags, taking care to remember small essentials. While I think nothing of pushing hard cash across a counter for a funnel cake or Ramones shirt, I get really annoyed if I have to purchase toothpaste or shampoo at inflated prices from a store that mainly sells bait & beach balls. Everything goes on to the back seat of the car. I have an irrational fear that the trunk will fly open just past New Gretna & deposit my stuff in the marsh.
Vacation officially begins, rain or shine, over an iced tea at Forked River rest stop. If the car broke down there, I'd have it towed the rest of the way to Wildwood.
Hopefully, I'm on vacation "double occupancy."
(8/05, from an earlier column for Worrall Community Newspapers)
Labels: boardwalks, jersey shore, motel hotel, Wildwoods NJ
Wildwood NJ
Saturday, August 23, 2008
The Delaware Crab

Joe's gonna need his Rosaries when the reactionary Bishops start flippin' their mitres. Cable TV's lineup of nasty Irish-Americans will be flinging their overcooked cabbage before this day is ended. Biden can handle them. In Jersey, we're puzzled by upbeat politicians with cheerful messages, so we rarely elect any to our major offices. Biden is more our type, Obama not so much. The only reason Obama should have to campaign personally in Jersey is because big party contributors here will get in a snit if he doesn't.
I like Delaware because it's small & flat, & south of Dover one can think of it as just a wide beach.
Labels: THE election
Friday, August 22, 2008
Friday Motel Blogging

El Morro Motel, North Wildwood NJ
I'd be on the boardwalk right now, but I'd sit & look at the pool when I got back.
Labels: jersey shore, motel hotel, postcard, Wildwoods NJ
They Liked Ike
Reflections on Leaving the Party by Susan Eisenhower& this:
I have decided I can no longer be a registered Republican. For the first time in my life I announced my support for a Democratic candidate for the presidency, in February of this year. This was not an endorsement of the Democratic platform, nor was it a slap in the face to the Republican Party. It was an expression of support specifically for Senator Barack Obama. I had always intended to go back to party ranks after the election and work with my many dedicated friends and colleagues to help reshape the GOP, especially in the foreign-policy arena. But I now know I will be more effective focusing on our national and international problems than I will be in trying to reinvigorate a political organization that has already consumed nearly all of its moderate “seed corn.” And now, as the party threatens to trivialize what promised to be a serious debate on our future direction, it will alienate many young people who might have come into party ranks.
My decision came at the end of last week when it was demonstrated to the nation that McCain and this Bush White House have learned little in the last five years. They mishandled what became a crisis in the Caucusus, and this has undermined U.S. national security. At the same time, the McCain camp appears to be comfortable with running an unworthy Karl Rove–style political campaign. Will the McCain operation, and its sponsors, do anything to win?
This week, I changed my registration from Republican to independent.
Hijacked by a relatively small few, the GOP of today bears no resemblance to Lincoln, Roosevelt or Eisenhower’s party, or many of the other Republican administrations that came after.Her change doesn't mean much to anyone younger than the Eisenhower era. In my home, Eisenhower was the face the Repugs. My dad became involved in Repug politcs during the Fifties. I strongly disagree with Ms. Eisenhower that her party has been hijacked by "a relatively small few." If George W. Bush could have run for a third term, his bleak poll ratings wouldn't have prevented his party from crowning him by acclamation, the religious right holy rolling & speaking in ecstatic tongues over the glory of his godly eminence. The Repugs aren't even the party of Goldwater anymore, if they ever were.
You can't find a Repug blog, however humorous (& some are very witty), that doesn't have as an author a person who is basically a heartless bastard & bigot capable of enslaving their next door neighbors tomorrow & hitching them to plows if doing so would guarantee stable property taxes for another year. Among those Repugs claiming no strong belief in young Earth creationism, if a steady supply of cheap oil somehow required the castration of gay men & clitoral circumcision of lesbians, they would approve without a second thought. That's the party today.
So here is this decent, intelligent, rather old-fashioned Repug, who was able go from Eisenhower to Nixon to Ford to Reagan to H.W. to W., who now decides she cannot take another step, even if means voting for a "liberal." It can't be that difficult for Ms. Eisenhower, because this season's particular liberal is hardly more liberal than Nixon & considerably less liberal than Hubert Humphrey on domestic issues. The current Repugs will just say good riddance to a famous old name & probably label her a socialist & closet Unitarian.
Labels: bully pulpit, in the news, THE election
Thursday, August 21, 2008
US softball team loses 3-1 to Japan
Preliminary & medal round competition baffles at times. For one example, it provides the strange spectacle of sprinters & hurdlers not running full out to the finish line in the short distance prelims, as if those final 10 meters will exhaust them beyond any hope of recovery for the next race 24 hours later. It's understandable in the middle & long distances. Swimmers don't have this luxury since they can't be certain what's happening in the other lanes. Not once did we see Michael Phelps easing up down the stretch lap. Some of the swimmers had 30 minutes or less to prepare for the next race. If Usain Bolt hadn't broken the 100m record in the final, he would've been stuck with the frustration of knowing he might've broken it in the qualifier if he hadn't hot dogged the end. That's his concern. He doesn't deserve a lecture on sportsmanship from the IOC president, who never breaks a sweat as he's wined & dined year round by the world's political & corporate tyrants. We've seee plenty of perfunctory handshakes & hugs over the past two weeks.
Labels: sports
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Enemies, enemies everywhere!

I've always thought Barack's support was soft. I don't trust the strength of youth crusades, never have, even when I was a youth. In the jargon of the day, you had to fight "The Man," & The Man was where the power was at, & The Man wasn't gonna give it up. So the best you could do, probably, was to take the long view & chip away at the attitudes of the people who supported The Man. To replace The Man, you had to be like The Man. & that involved serious compromises to be sure.
Americans have very short attention spans, no patience for detail, & a general disinterest in facts. & we're bullies, not colonizers. We're waiting for the Iraqis to accept the hard reality that they have to give us their oil. As soon they demonstrate they can be trusted to do it, we'll pull back to our enclaves & let them behead their uppity women, , if that's what they want. Morally, we're very flexible. All we want is affordable gasoline.
John McCain is the candidate for lower gasoline prices. Rising pump prices made Bush policies a failure. Falling gas prices make them a success, or less of a failure. However, if prices stabilize for awhile as neither here nor there, not too painful, Americans will think about the cost of other stuff, & maybe less about the enemies who threaten our gasoline, & that favors Democrats.
I 'd like to believe that Obama's campaign is smart & what they're doing this summer is working the edges. Visit the slightly laid back Republican protestants in Southern California, the ones who eat fresh guacamole after church. Take a working vacation in Hawaii; reminds the press that it ain't Crawford Texas. Pretend they're serious about contesting North Carolina. & now comes the VP pick & the convention & they unveil the full presidential version of Barack Obama. I sure hope so.
Five black boys from Newark
Thirty years ago, five teenage boys vanished after playing basketball in Newark, N.J. They were never heard from again.This was not then, & would not be now, a Nancy Grace Show type of story. No blonde All-American girl in Aruba mystery. Move along, folks, nothing of interest here.
Their remains were never found, Social Security numbers never used -- and no arrests have ever been made. But the community has never forgotten its tragic loss.
Melvin Pittman, 17, Randy Johnson, 16, Ernest Taylor, 17, Alvin Turner, 16, and Michael McDowell, 16, who have become known as "The Clinton Avenue Five," vanished Aug. 20, 1978. Wednesday marks the 30th anniversary of their disappearance.
Police initially believed the boys had run away, but the family said they weren't the type to do that. Just one of the boys, McDowell, of East Orange, got into trouble once for a fistfight, but the others -- sophomores and juniors at Weequahic High School -- never got into trouble at all, according to The New York Times.Trouble. The boys' movements were traced into the pickup truck of a contractor who had reportedly offered them work. He passed a polygraph test, the trail ended there.
But despite the disturbing, painful facts of their disappearance, there was precious little media coverage at the time. It was 1978 -- a decade after the Newark riots -- and many speculated that the reason local papers -- even The Star-Ledger -- and media outlets failed to cover the story at the time was because it was about five black boys.The story of five black boys from Newark NJ. The Clinton Avenue Five.
Labels: in the news, media madness, New Jersey
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
thunderstorms never materialized
Such a pleasant evening, the thunderstorms never materialized, I walked over to CVS to refill a prescription & around the corner from there to the supermarket. Both close at ten, & I cut it close. My route tonight was entirely residential neighborhood, houses, majority of those single family. After dark, I'm not concerned with anyone residing between here & the stores, or hanging out in front of houses. It's the occasional mobile groups of young males, duos & trios or larger I watch for. Of course, 95% of them are harmless. But there is gang graffitti on mailboxes & stop signs. There's nothing over that way to interest punks, no street action, no hangouts, no corners where they can do business undisturbed. & a lot of the Hispanic & black guys who are proud of the nice houses they own around here, green lawns, flower beds, & backyard decks, look plenty tough even when they're out late giving their wives' tiny pedigree dogs a last chance to piss, an additional discouragement. I often get a kind of "humph" & head nod greeting from them as we pass, which I take as a "You're ok to be on my street at night" acknowledgement.
Labels: Elizabeth NJ, sports
Two Wildwood NJ Motels
Labels: jersey shore, motel hotel, postcard, Wildwoods NJ
Monday, August 18, 2008
The nation that wins the most gold medals
No, the nation that wins the most overall medals is the greatest nation is the world.
It's like half the world's track & field athletes train at American colleges. Brazil exports excess beach volleyball players. Baseball & softball are being elminated because Americans dominate, but you think our professional men's basketball Dream Teams will ever lose another game now that they have a good attitude? Not while there's always a world superstar like Kobe Bryant selling tickets. If we can field a world class women's soccer team, I think Japan, Cuba, Venezuela, China, & Canada could eventually become competitive in softball. Still, when you outscore opponents 53-1 so far, that is dominant. Like they say, good pitching beats good hitting. Our softball team is a Dream Team. So let them be like the basketball team, like the "amateur Soviet Union hockey team used to be, the world gold standard. Eventually there will be a "Miracle On the Diamond."
I don't trust sports with scoring by committee. Maybe I never got over the egregiously bad judging in some Cold war era Olympic events when I was a kid. Had to wait until 1984 for Mary Lou Retton, & the Commies boycotted that one (except Romania. a depressing place even for athletes who were Heroes of the Revolution), & Mary Lou was a teenage wingnut & not so easy to adore as Nadia. But the tiebreaker in gymnastics is dumb. Perfection is banished, which for some reason insults the poet in me. They can't give out two Gold medals like in other sports, so they whittle down the size of the committee until the tie is broken. Anyway, we all know the Chinese are lying about the ages of their female gymnasts. I've read that some of them are 13. That seems on the high side. They look the third class that comes on stage at Miss Pat's dance recital, which would put them at about 11.
Labels: sports
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Cape May Point NJ

Sunset Beach at the end of Sunset Boulevard. Entertaining tourist trap five minutes from the lighthouse. I always stop by. View of what remains of the concrete ship. See Delaware on a clear day. Tee shirts, snack bar, typical Jersey shore nicknack gift shop crammed with all sorts of peculiar stuff. This place tries to sell you pricey "Cape May Diamonds," polished quartz. People actually comb the beaches for them. But it's pretty good for the same shell jewelry & lighthouse souvenirs that cost more in Cape May City. The sunsets can be spectacular here.
It's a likable roadside attraction. But if the family that owns it ever decides to sell, the state ought to pay whatever it takes to buy it, tear it down, & hand the beach back to the birds & horseshoe crabs. Otherwise, condos would block the sunsets.
Labels: Cape May, jersey shore, postcard
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Saddleback Church
Barack Obama answer: Well I think & maybe & you know if you look at it this way & when I was teaching at the University & the steel mills closing on the south side & churches doing that faith-based stuff.
Rick's desired answer: More Scalias on the supreme court, constitutional amendment banning same sex marriage, millions of federal dollars to give your books to drug addicts, no tax increases for fabulously wealthy mega-church preachers.
Correct answer: Kiss my ass, Rick.
Labels: religion, THE election
The ancient mariner
For men, 40 is when we're absolutely forced to readjust our relationship with baseball. Only a handful of ironman pitchers & designated hitters are active at that age. There's a few managers in the major league dugouts younger than that. The fantasy is over. I identified with short guy infielders who could bunt & steal, most of whom probably became beer distributors in the midwest, joined Rotary, & are very soft around the middle.
Labels: sports
Friday, August 15, 2008
Hoyt's War
DES MOINES, Iowa - James Hoyt, one of four U.S. soldiers who discovered the Buchenwald concentration camp as World War II neared its end, has died.Private First Class Hoyt had fought in the terrible Battle of the Bulge. By April, as a seasoned soldier, he was chasing disintegrating German resistance with Patton's Third Army & probably thinking he'd been through the worst of it. Then he arrived at Buchenwald on April 11, 1945.
Hoyt's wife, Doris, said he died Monday in his sleep at home in rural Oxford. He was 83. The cause of death was not immediately determined.
Hoyt served in the Army's 6th Armored Division during World War II, earning a Bronze Star. He fought in the Battle of the Bulge, the bloodiest battle fought by American troops in World War II.
Buchenwald, one of the largest concentration camps established by Nazi Germany, was liberated in April 1945. It is estimated that 56,000 prisoners lost their lives at Buchenwald between 1937 and 1945.
Buchenwald wasn't a mass extermination camp with gas chambers. It was a high-security SS prison. Horrific medical experiments were conducted there. Inmates were starved & worked to death, shot, hung, tortured. Women were brought to Buchenwald to serve as SS prostitutes. The brutal original camp commandant was so corrupt that he was later arrested by the Nazis, tried, & executed at Buchenwald days before the camp was liberated. His wife is known as "The Witch of Buchenwald."
Elie Wiesel, then a teenager, was at Buchenwald when the war ended. His father had died there a few months earlier. German theologian & anti-Nazi resister Dietrich Bonhoeffer passed through Buchenwald on his way to another camp, where he was executed on April 9, hung with piano wire from a meathook.
Labels: obituary
Nastia, Shawn, and Yang
Nastia Liukin's father and coach, Valeri Liukin, said the international gymnastics federation would be wise to eliminate the age rule that requires gymnastics athletes to be at least 16 or turn 16 during the year they compete in the Olympics and world championships.That would be a coach's view. The Chinese cull their gymnasts from the general populace around the age of 3 & send them on a special track. But as long as the gymnastic world insists that artistic as well as athletic qualities count, it ought to acknowledge that the older & taller female gymnasts (over 5') are generally more "artistic" than the rubber tumblers the size of a fire hydrant. Nastia is a dancer. Shawn & Yang are not. But while Shawn understands it's about weight distribution & center of gravity, concedes that to Nastia in the floor event & works around it in her routine, Yang's "dancing" was a means to end in the doll-like poses one sees at any local dance school recital. Which may be how she blew the simple move that cost her the silver medal. Shawn is such a superb athlete that even at a diminutive 4'9" one easily imagines her excelling at nearly any sport, including basketball. & absolutely, I see her playing second base & batting .400.
I was watching the Olympic repeats late because I had an achy joint in my leg, probably a touch of the bursitis that used to almost cripple me in hips & shoulders when I was in my 20's & mysteriously eased thereafter but for occasional unpredictable confluences of stress & humidity & for all I know barometric pressure & moon phase. A couple of aspirin usually takes care of it but in the meantime I have to find a nonpainful position & stay in it for awhile, & sleep is out of the question. That & seeing the world's greatest athletes reminded me that I need to get my little bike back on the road because just toodlin' to the library or supermarket on it a few times each week strengthens exactly the muscles that take the pressure off the joints.
Labels: sports
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Almost Catholic
Rarely will I abandon a book halfway through. Twenty or thirty pages might send it back to the library, & that doesn't happen often. I read decent private eye novels, most by established authors, & choose nonfiction with some care. I impulsively grabbed Almost Catholic: An Appreciation of the History, Practice, and Mystery of Ancient Faith by Jon M. Sweeney off the library's 14 day shelves.
Rosaries, rituals, crucifixes and canonized saints: Sweeney, an Episcopalian, enthusiastically embraces these trappings of the Catholic faith, even as many Protestants find them unbiblical and some Catholics have abandoned them. In his latest book, Sweeney talks about his chosen state of being almost Catholic, explaining how Catholicism's practices and outlook help connect him to the divine and expand his worldview. Raised as an evangelical Protestant, Sweeney tells how he grew up believing Catholics were going to hell unless they found our brand of true salvation. Later, as a church planter in the Philippines, his thinking started to shift when he stepped inside a Catholic church for the first time. Overwhelmed by the sensory experience, he came to love Catholicism as an approach to faith that lands in the heart and the body as well as in the head. He has stopped short of converting, however, saying that those who remain outside the institution can still access Catholic life.A "church planter" is an evangelical term for missionary.
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Had a bad reaction at the start. Sweeney was raised fundamentalist (with an Irish name), didn't have the sense to ask the Catholic kids he knew about their church. Of course, he was overwhelmed by rural Filipino Catholicism. That's exotic stuff even for American Catholics. The Phillipines were colonized & converted by the Spanish Empire, with Spanish Empire methods. He was mesmerized. Nothing about it resembled bare wall American Calvinism. It must have been hallucinatory to the impressionable young man.
Sweeney is now a communicant at Episcopalian church. Hasn't even converted to that denomination.
With the possible exception of High Church Anglicans with Papal envy, there's no such creature as an Almost Catholic. The best way for non-Catholics to learn about Roman Catholicism is to ask Catholics why they're Catholics. You'll get a lot of different answers. Ask strict Catholics. Ask "cafeteria" Catholics." Most interestingly, ask "lapsed" Catholics why they persist in identifying themselves as Catholics. You get a sense of some deeper connection. Two of my four Catholic-raised girlfriends were in the latter category. Less common is the vocal ex-Catholic like my dad, who renounced & denounced the Church. Yet, I discerned an amusingly Catholic tone in his occasional rants, some string his Jesuit high school teachers plucked & set forever vibrating.
If you want to read about Roman Catholicism, start with the Wikipedia entries & other abundant online resources. Read Seven Storey Mountain by Thomas Merton & The Long Loneliness by Dorothy Day. Right wing protestants who love to quote G.K. Chesterton & hear former Lutheran pastor - now insufferable neocon priest Richard John Neuhaus explain what the Pope is really saying can't deal with how the Church transformed the lives of sophisticated converts Merton & Day. Read Garry Wills' Why I Am A Catholic, by a man who seems to reject about 80% of the Church's beliefs & practices & yet remains Catholic, whether "in good standing" or not I don't know.
The idea of being almost Catholic was a matter of curiosity for me. My parents had all their babies baptised Catholic with no intention of raising us in the Church. The best I'm able to figure out, I was Catholic, given a "bye," until I reached the confirmation age of voluntary consent. Which explains why around that time a great-aunt, a nun, sent me a book titled Why Become a Catholic? I had never heard of her, but she had heard of me through the family Catholic grapevine. I still have it. It's an old Baltimore Catechism book with a special introduction. I didn't want to become a Catholic or a Methodist. I can be almost Methodist. There's no almost with Catholicism. They have a sacramental process as certain as protestant Evangelicals insistiing one be "born again."
Roman Catholicism is part of my family & cultural heritage. If I had the cheek to write a book called Almost Catholic, it would be very different from Sweeney's. It wouldn't begin with not listening to Catholic kids but rather with listening to their confused explanations of Catholic doctrines, my reaction of, "That's ridiculous, " & later discovering they weren't doctrinal & were ridiculous. Many Catholic doctrines are unbelievable or unconvincing to me, but they aren't absurd. The world is absurd. A recognition of that absurdity is in part why there's such a rich history of Catholic reasoning, Catholic art, Catholic literature, & Catholic mysticism continuing to this day.
About 100 pages into Sweeney's book I became completely frustrated with what he was taking from Catholicism & presenting to the reader. Who was he writing for? What he was doing felt more like plundering than appreciation; he wasn't connecting with the mother church that Catholicism is for protestants who feel the connection. Almost a virgin. Almost pregnant. Almost poetry. There's no almost about it. If Sweeney keeps on this spiritual path he'll become an almost protestant, but he still won't be almost Catholic.
BTW, Jon didn't have to travel all the way to the Philippines for strange rituals & Catholic folk superstitions. He could have gone to a Notre Dame football game.
Labels: religion, what I'm reading
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
An Obscure Pastor
On this side of the Atlantic, Rev. Schultz would be an obscure United Church of Christ pastor of a tiny congregation in rural Wisconsin if it were not for the power of the Internet and his own passion for new-media publicity. Under his pen name, pastordan, he has become perhaps one of the premier liberal Christian voices in the public arena (how liberal? Consider that he is just as likely to verbally trash Sojourners president Jim Wallis as he is more doctrinally correct Christian leaders like former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum and American Values president Gary Bauer). That's just to start.That's just the first paragraph. What I love about Pastor Dan is that his physical reality is an obscure pastor of a tiny rural church in Wisconsin. He grew up in Wisconsin. His dad is a retired pastor. Dan lives with his wife & two kids in a parsonage next to the church. He posts his sermons every week, they often take up matters of social justice in rather nonspecific ways, but never deviating from what's considered Christian orthodoxy. A Catholic priest could deliver most of Dan's sermons as homilies. In fact, every so often Dan receives an invite to speak at a nearby convent home for retired nuns.
Mostly via the internet, Dan is becoming a more prominent voice on the Christian political left. How many prominent voices are there on the "religious" left compared to the religious right? Dan has no organization, no books to sell; he hasn't used a 501(c)(3) tax exemption to build himself a little ol' parsonage to go with Parsley's church in the valley by the wildwood.
Pastor Dan mostly doesn't give a crap about Rod Parsley. He's better educated than Parsley & could handle him in a debate, tossing around Bible passages. But if the furnace in his church breaks, he calls the repairman. He performs the weddings, baptisms, & funerals for his congregation, welcoming them individually when they arrive & praying over them individually when they go. He empties the garbage cans at the chicken barbecue & works the kitchen at the pancake breakfast. Because he does much of his pastoral duties at home or across the parking lot at the church office, that makes him enough of stay-at-home dad to get the kids a lot. His lovely wife married him knowing this was a life he was being called to; she has her professions, social services & teaching. Having a lifestyle like Parsley's, insulated from common lives & community, & ambitious for grand political influence, would be a sin for them. They're spending the next two weeks with friends at a beach town in Delaware. Must be a bargain if they're driving all the way there with two kids.
Labels: religion
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
You can't go wrong with Elvis
BARACK OBAMABarack would seem to have the cooler list. But there's calculation in it. "Sinnerman" by Nina Simone leaps out as the hippest pick on both lists, with the smallest demographic reach. The average American has never heard Nina Simone. It's easy to like McCain's choices. His taste is guileless. But there's no excuse for two ABBA songs. If you have two ABBA songs rather than two Merle songs or two Roy songs, you just don't listen to enough Merle or Roy. & do you think McCain knew the name of the "Play it again, Sam" guy? "Good Vibrations" may be something he remembered that "the kids" dig. Oddly, that along with the Satchmo number gives McCain two of the biggest marijuana AM radio hits of all time, one made for teenage potheads, the other sung by a man who smoked doob every single day including the day he recorded "What A Wonderful World." Neither of these guys making a pitch for the Spanish language vote. & where's Elvis? You still can't go wrong with Elvis.
1. Ready or Not Fugees
2. What's Going On Marvin Gaye
3. I'm On Fire Bruce Springsteen
4. Gimme Shelter Rolling Stones
5. Sinnerman Nina Simone
6. Touch the Sky Kanye West
7. You'd Be So Easy to Love Frank Sinatra
8. Think Aretha Franklin
9. City of Blinding Lights U2
10. Yes We Can
1. Dancing Queen ABBA
2. Blue Bayou Roy Orbison
3. Take a Chance On Me ABBA
4. If We Make It Through December Merle Haggard
5. As Time Goes By Dooley Wilson
6. Good Vibrations The Beach Boys
7. What A Wonderful World Louis Armstrong
8. I've Got You Under My Skin Frank Sinatra
9. Sweet Caroline Neil Diamond
10. Smoke Gets In Your Eyes The Platters
As a long time DJ & before that a musician, I' ve been asked often enough to choose favorite songs or a favorite song. Usually, I felt I was being tested in some way by the questioner. I wouldn't do a top ten list. But I favored a number of doo wop songs as well made, poetic, pleasurable, & uncontroversial. Finally, I decided I ought to settle on a #1 so I would never have to think about it again, & chose "Little Darlin' " by the Gladiolas.
Labels: music, THE election
Wiki Man
"Georgia is an ancient country, at the crossroads of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, and one of the world’s first nations to adopt Christianity as an official religion."Is this some freakin' criteria for McCain's foreign policy decisions?
I haven't found anything saying Christianity is the official state religion of Georgia now, but if it is, that religion would specifically be the nationalist Georgian Orthodox Church, an institution that could care less what American Evangelical protestants believe unless Southern Baptist missionaries began over-running their country to keep the
Labels: religion, THE election
Monday, August 11, 2008
So what
Linden Mayor Richard Gerbounka, an ex-Democrat who turned independent and won control of the city two years ago, called upon residents today to support GOP presidential nominee Sen. John McCain.
Standing in front of City Hall, Gerbounka and four members of the City Council urged residents in this Democratic stronghold to cross party lines and support McCain, who will be visiting New Jersey tomorrow.
Gerbounka's move marked the first time since former Elizabeth Mayor Tom Dunn went for Ronald Reagan that a mayor of a major Union County city turned on his party.
There's only one "major city" in Union County & isn't Linden. Not likely McCain will carry Linden. Although who knows what many old white Democrats will do this year? . Gerbounka wouldn't be Linden mayor if his aging Democratic predecessor had stepped aside when the party clearly wished he would do so.
Tom Dunn, on the other hand, called himself a Democrat & was mayor of a major city. In 1984, a friend asked if I wanted to drive over to Elizabeth City Hall to hear Dunn endorse Ronald Reagan, with Reagan present. I said sure, let's go.
We got through the security perimeter & metal detectors.. The crowd was mostly retired folks bused in from city senior housing. Reagan was late. If nasty, reactionary Irishman brings an image to mind, it's of someone like Tom Dunn in 1984. He was no asset to Reagan beyond a handful of votes in a state Mondale would carry only if every dead Democrat in every Jersey City cemetary voted twice. Dunn made the Union County Democratic machine look like high-minded, progressive reformers.
Labels: New Jersey politics, THE election
Most Important News
There are six headline feeds on my My Yahoo aggregator page: New York Times, BBC, Reuters, Associated Press, Fox, & the local Star-Ledger, plus AP's current photo. I have New Jersey National Weather Service alerts; about 15 weather locations around the state & world;, sports scores for a number of pro & college teams (it gets crowded only during college basketball season); daily horoscope for Scorpio; three comics (2 more via daily e mail). Down toward the bottom of the page are feeds from several large political & music-oriented community blogs; WFMU recent playlists; a friend's Flickr photo account. I think this is more than sufficient, My clock radio radio is tuned to local CBS news. Of the news feeds, Fox is always a bit out-of-step with a couple of strange or lurid headlines, like a national version of the New York Post. I enjoy The Post, easy to browse through at 7-11 without buying it.
I think AP gives the most accurate snapshot of American news culture. Every AP Yahoo news page has a bunch of convenient tabs at the top. "Most Popular" is informative. There I get "Most Popular" & "Most Recommended" stories, & my favs, "Most Viewed" & "Most E Mailed" photos. Currently, the most e-mailed photo is of George Bush visiting the American female beach volleyball team on Saturday, with views of Misty May Treanor's & Kerri Walsh's cute asses (By my standards, Misty doesn't even have an ass). I looked in vain for beach volleyball on TV yesterday. You can have the gymnastics & diving; scoring-by-committee sports are fixed. Most viewed is of a collapsed arch in Arches National Park. AP is where I find news like "Battle of Gettysburg 'witness tree' falls in storm."
Yahoo forced a redesigned page on me a few weeks ago, deciding everyone must upgrade to their helpful doo dads & color icons. The lean page I had for years & could take in at a glance now looks cluttered.
Labels: in the news
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Isaac Hayes
My two favorite Isaac Hayes albums.
Sam & Dave: Double Dynamite. Loaded with snappy Isaac Hayes/David Porter songs. Hits "You've Got Me Hummin' " & "When Something Is Wrong with My Baby."
Isaac Hayes: Truck Turner. Movie is a1970's hoot. Because Isaac starred in his "Black Moses" phase, he put a lot of effort into the soundtrack music. Better cut for cut than Shaft. But no hit theme song.
For Isaac at his shaven, waxed, chain mail vest best, it's Isaac Hayes Live at the Sahara Tahoe.
I've always believed that Isaac's lugubrious, extended versions of pop songs were directly inspired by the late Sixties band Vanilla Fudge, which was quite famous for just that thing. His 1969 Hot Buttered Soul LP, with the 12 minute "Walk On By" & 19 minute "By the Time I Get to Phoenix," almost certainly sold stronger among white pothead college students than it did with singles-oriented black listeners. In any case, Hayes improved on Vanilla Fudge.
Atlantic City NJ

Hotel Stanley
Atlantic City is so old, so large, had so many hotels, & generated so many postcards that I could post a different one every day. I know Hotel Stanley survived into my era because it had a nine digit phone number with no letters. It was probably quite shabby by then. In the two decades before casinos, even the newer hotels & motels had the appearances of bad investments from the moment they opened.
Labels: Atlantic City, boardwalks, jersey shore, postcard
Friday, August 08, 2008
WASHINGTON - Former Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards on Friday admitted to an extramarital affair while his wife was battling cancer. He denied fathering the woman's daughter. Edwards told ABC News that he lied repeatedly about the affair with 42-year-old Rielle Hunter but said that he didn't love her.& we have to credit the National Inquirer with staying on the story.
He said he has not taken a paternity test but knows he isn't the father because of the timing of the affair and the birth.
So, John Edwards went ahead with a serious campaign knowing he had a time bomb scandal. We're lucky not only that he wasn't nominated, but that he quit early. (Write it. Leno's gonna say it anyway : "Withdrew early.") His "What were you thinking?" moment. Thinking of sex. It doesn't matter politically now except he won't get his poverty speech at the Convention. His supporters, like myself, viewed John & Elizabeth Edwards as a team candidacy. Sad. But since he's not in office or running for office, it's mainly a family matter. According to Elizabeth, it's already been dealt with in the family.
Take the paternity test, John. Inquiring minds want to know.
Labels: John Edwards, sex, THE election
Sorority Fatwah
AP— Bruce Ivins was so obsessed with the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority that he believed it had a "fatwah" against him, once claimed to have broken into a sorority house to steal a secret handbook and claimed to know more about the organization than any other nonmember, according to government documents made public Wednesday.Wrong sorority? Ivins' alleged obsession might be more understandable if he had obsessed over Kappa Alpha Theta, a national sorority that counts Laura Bush, both Bush daughters, Lynn Cheney, Cindy Helmsley McCain, & "Plame Affair" journalist Judith Miller - who received an anthrax hoax letter, among its alumnae.
The anthrax letters all were sent from a mailbox in front of 10 Nassau St., right across from Princeton University's campus and near the building at 20 Nassau St. where Kappa Kappa Gamma, which has no official affiliation with the university, had offices.
Labels: in the news
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Aunt Jean
Learned that my Aunt Jean died last night at age 92, in North Carolina, quietly in her sleep. Which leaves Uncle Jack, 99. What an emptiness he must feel. Married her early in the 1940's. Aunt Jean was my mom's older sister. My sister was down there three weeks ago sorting out a deteriorating situation of two old folks who could hardly take care of themselves anymore, talked Aunt Jean into a hospital, & had intended to return there soon anyway. Hopefully, she, & Aunt Jean's grandson, made our Aunt's final weeks a little more comfortable.
Sister's matter at hand now becomes helping Uncle Jack through it so he wants to see his 100th birthday next May. Although I know few details about my Uncle, he has a will-to-live at his core that he can draw upon if he keeps hold of it. After his wife, my sister's always been his apple, since he has no daughter or granddaughter of his own. She could be decisive. Uncle Jack might not want to disappoint the plans I'm sure she has for his birthday cake.
Labels: growing up, obituary
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Boardwalk Cams
Ocean City Maryland boardwalk cams
Labels: boardwalks
Like a true nature's child
Sturgis SD. “It will be a good day on election day if there are a lot of bikes parked outside polling places,” Mr. McCain said, at a tribute to veterans and those who serve in the military held in the midst of the ongoing party that locals says consumes this part of the country for several weeks.Especially parked outside the polls in minority neighborhoods.
The story of McCain's campaign visit with his wife & daughter to the Sturgis rally winds around the world. Old style Harley bikers are an aging demographic, & one wonders what small percentage of them give a crap about politics or are registered to vote. John got a weak reception of bike engine reving, so he offered up his wife Cindy to the Buffalo Chip Campground beauty contest, which by various accounts is topless, bottomless, & features pickle-licking demonstrations. There's probably a good deal of pickle-licking at Sturgis, not all of it by women.
When Obama spoke to 75,000 in Oregon in May, I must have read 10 news reports before one mentioned that The Decemberists, a popular Portland band, had opened for him, nobody venturing a guess as to how much of the crowd they drew. In Sturgis, McCain was the warmup for Kid Rock & the lickable Kellie Pickler from American Idol.
Labels: culture, THE election
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Labels: about writing
man with a tote bag
Labels: Elizabeth NJ, religion