Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Delaware Crab

Sen. Joe Biden is fine with me. He's liberal, experienced. pugnacious, almost a Jerseyan, Roman Catholic, no more given to verbal gaffes than McCain. The only bad choice is when a VP nominee makes you wish he was the presidential candidate; happened when the Democrats paired Dukakis with Bentsen. Repugs know from experience that creepy Repug VPs are electable; Richard Nixon, Spiro Agnew, Dan Quayle, Dick Cheney, so McCain has plenty to choose from.

Joe's gonna need his Rosaries when the reactionary Bishops start flippin' their mitres. Cable TV's lineup of nasty Irish-Americans will be flinging their overcooked cabbage before this day is ended. Biden can handle them. In Jersey, we're puzzled by upbeat politicians with cheerful messages, so we rarely elect any to our major offices. Biden is more our type, Obama not so much. The only reason Obama should have to campaign personally in Jersey is because big party contributors here will get in a snit if he doesn't.

I like Delaware because it's small & flat, & south of Dover one can think of it as just a wide beach.


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