Thursday, August 28, 2008

Connecting with the Dream

When Barack Obama delivers his speech tonight, hold in mind that he is connecting with one of the most renowned speeches in American history, given 45 years ago in front of the Lincoln Memorial. It is fitting that he do this. He has the right, an obligation to make this connection. To suggest that he does not is an insult. Barack is required by the moment to act as both a candidate & as a symbol. Few presidential candidates carry this kind of symbolic obligation, although most try very hard, & pay consultants well, to invent some grander purpose for their candidacies. Barack cannot serve himself up to the American people as worthy of one's vote because he's a a regular guy we'd like have a beer with in a local bar, which seems to be our favorite qualification. He is a culmination of hopes that began when the first Africans were brought to America in chains. Many, many thousands have died so that we could witness what occurs tonight. & generations of Americans, black & white, for whom it was inconceivable. I find nothing funny about that, nothing warranting cynicism or sarcasm. Yes, Barack wants to be elected President of the United States. Yes, that is his goal & ambition. But he cannot downplay or minimize the significance of his nomination to placate angry white reactionaries. He won't pretend that this event is no different from any other acceptance speech. Whether or not he wins in November, he has a duty to speak to & for history tonight. He may even be handicapped by that duty in the partisanship he allows himself to express.

The Repugs would do well to give Barack his space & moment & venue, especially if they expect to have the conceit that black Americans should vote against their own interests like bankrupt Kansas farmers. Barack is not standing alone at the podium, & he is standing there for more than himself & the Democratic Party, just as Colin Powell or Condoleezza Rice would do if the Repugs had nominated either of them. There are two months to take Barack down on the details.

Shawn Johnson Peace Sign earrings alert: She's leading the Pledge of Allegiance at the stadium.


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