Friday, December 25, 2009

Pretty quiet.

Two grammar school boys in the next apt, & they woke up real early, but haven't been as noisy as past Christmases. Maybe they received games with headphones. & dad hasn't cranked up the Afro-pop. The bass players in the music he likes are not Bakithi Kumalo, the ever-inventive guy Paul Simon used for twenty years. The bass is 90% of what I hear on this side of the wall.
To my other favs list of earlier in the month I have to add the Sansa Clip player. I bought a refurb for $15 from, free shipping, & it's a very small, simple, intuitive device that does what it claims. My only real gripe so far is that I can't remove the brief break between tracks, an annoyance for classical music where movements are broken into tracks but play without break. I think that function was added to to the new Clip+. Sound quality, as with all players, is ultimately dependent on the headphones. I don't like earbuds. I'm not the kind of person who walks around all the time listening to music, nor do I want to watch videos on a tiny screen. But there are times when I'm on public transportation, in a ridiculous supermarket checkout line, or reading a magazine in the library when I want to listen, & there are nights when I'd rather hear an audiobook than read (it's like radio). There are sources of copyright free audio books.

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