Saturday, January 08, 2011


Here's one of the  election graphics that was hastily "scrubbed" from many right wing websites today. Palin herself says she didn't intend them as crosshair targets.   May well be the shooter was psychotic, a paranoid stew of extreme, contradictory political views. Can those types really be stopped? But  crazies tune into prevailing attitudes & take them as permissions. Outrageously loose, violent & vulgar language is common now. Violent images & rhetoric are acceptable on the right the way they never are with liberals; it's one of the reasons liberals are considered "wusses" by the right. The right empowers a rhetoric of violence. Even at Kos website, the fringe characters stand out. On the right, you have to sound like a sloganeering lunatic before anyone will listen to you. So a real lunatic feels at home on the right, among ordinary folks with their posters comparing Obama to both Hitler & Stalin.

I am speechless, horrified... I just saw this graphic somewhere else. What do people think is going to happen?
Is the question. What do people think is going to happen? & it's not rhetorical. The right equates election defeat with being targeted & shot.
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