Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tenting on the old camp ground

BEDFORD, N.Y. — Did The Donald and the dictator made a backdoor deal? If so, the plan to pitch a tent in this suburb for Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi went south pretty fast. Maybe someone should be fired.

A tent erected by the Libyan government on Donald Trump's estate in Bedford was dismantled Wednesday, and both Trump and the Secret Service said Gadhafi wasn't coming.

For Gadhafi, it was just another failed attempt to find a place to spend time during the UN General Assembly — after his requests for space in Central Park, Englewood, N.J., and Manhattan's Upper East Side were all rejected.

Loathsome as he is - I mean Donald - I'm certain he would not knowingly invite Gadhafi to pitch a tent on this property. Apparently, it's income & investment property, like everything else Trump owns. Does Trump even use it personally?

It'll be revealed that a Trump corporate underling leased it to a Middle Eastern business contracted by Libya to locate a lawn for Gadhafi's luxury tent. This ambitious, insensitive lackey will very shortly hear the phrase, "Your fired," whether or not the employee knew the true purpose of the rental. Trump sees himself as a patriotic American, in his own perverse way, & no doubt he'll appear on Letterman's show over the next month to explain the whole thing, if not actually apologize.


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