Friday, October 31, 2008

John, Sarah, Curly

Now John McCain proudly says, "I'm going to Washington & I'm bringing Joe the Plumber with me."

Are we freakin' idiots? McCain gets hold of something, he can't let it go.

First, Senator, you aren't going to Washington because you're from Washington & you've resided there for the past 30 years when you weren't at one your 6 or 7 or whatever homes elsewhere.

You inflict Sarah Palin on us & now you want to bring along as an advisor some knucklehead you stumbled over on the campaign road. Why? So he can walk around the White House saying, "Nyuk Nyuk" like his inspirational hero, Curly from the Three Stooges? Are you running for President of Moronica?
If the poll numbers hold up & even break a little toward McCain, as they probably will, Obama will carry New Jersey by at least 10 points, a landslide. Which means there are now "Obama Republicans" rather than "Reagan Democrats." Or maybe we should call them "Al Gore Republicans." Gore rolled over George W. Bush here with Ralph Nader on the ballot. Jersey has hundreds of thousands of Repugs contemptuously labeled "country club" & "Rinos (Republican in name only) by the national party insiders & our own homegrown wingies. It's obvious nobody listens when Tom Kean & Christie Whitman speak to their national party. Yet they're expected to defend the indefensible, & unfortunately too often do. Obama is clearly the sort of politician former Gov. Kean prefers; moderate, neither dogmatic nor vindictive. Kean knows Barack isn't a "socialist" & isn't particularly a city liberal.

John McCain ought to be popular here, but his selection of Sarah Palin was both a sellout to the far right & a bad personal decision. His chances of carrying Jersey this year were almost nil anyway. Yet it seems he didn't even consider that if suburban women here wouldn't be fooled by a "hockey mom" without the common sense to slip condoms into her sexually active daughter's pockets, she'd be a tough sell in suburbia in plenty of other states.

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Listen, this is a weird idea but all I can think is that the Repugs have something on him that he can't get out of, they have to have him by the short hairs. A prostitution thing? That the adopted kid really is his? Something... I've never seen such a train wreck as his campaign and I have to wonder is he TRYING to screw it up?
He's the screw up. If the Repugs are basically a corporate/neocon/religious right alliance, he added a 4th - himself. & he's conflicted about his own party. I think his original "vision" for the campaign, a year ago, had Lieberman or Mike Bloomberg as VP & he was saving America from Hillary. Then Obama happened, McCain won the nomination almost by default, & he discovered that didn't give him the unifying power he thought it would, & he never adjusted to being "handled" by party insiders he didn't trust. Just my theory.
McCain's internals much have shown a seriously depressed base. And without the base he would lose big. But instead of losing honorably he went to the dark side.

So after going with expediency he can now lie about Obama delaying a damn baseball game. McCains has become a trivial man.
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