Monday, October 06, 2008

Jane Case Weaver

A memorial service was held yesterday for one of Rahway's most highly regarded & remarkable residents, Jane Case Weaver, Janie, as some called her.
She was on her bicycle Sept. 11, going to get her hair cut, when she suffered a massive heart attack, and despite efforts to revive her at the intersection of West Scott and St. Georges avenues, she died, according to her daughter, Christina Weaver. Jane Weaver was 78.
Jane was the daughter of former NJ Senator Clifford Case, or as I consider him, "The last good Republican," another legendary Rahwayan. Jane Case Weaver was an enlightened, free-spirited soul, fought against the de facto segregation in Rahway when other white residents preferred to ignore it. When I moved to Rahway, I first encountered Jane riding her bicycle & wondered who she was. I was introduced to her & she never forgot my name. She will be mourned & missed.

Jane is peeking out second from left behind her father, next to husband Bill in this photo from Election Night 1960, Jane's daughter, Christina, lower right. (click to enlarge). That was my first campaign. My dad, a repug committeeman, had me delivering flyers around his district, preferable to the option of household chores.

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Janie was a Rahway legend, like her dad. Earlier this year, I was reading City Council minute books from the 1930s and 1940s when the future Senator battled with the Democratic majority on the Rahway Council.
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