Monday, October 22, 2007

Romney / Giuliani

A formidable ticket, the Repug version of Clinton/Gore. Two northeasterners, Rudy acting as the attack dog. Unifies most of the party base. No Evangelical third party breakaway, Dobson's uppity mullahs surrender because their followers won't follow. Run it against a Hillary candidacy. Puts four of six New England states & New Jersey into play. The negatives balance out. Repugs write off California & let the two New Yorkers scream at each other in Daily News & Post headlines that favor Giuliani, Hillary forced to spend heavily in that media market. Take Pennsy, Ohio, Missouri, West VA. We'll see if Huckabee throws a wrench into the primary machine, but this pairing could be a winner. You'll rarely go wrong underestimating American voters.

The Dem establishment is with Hillary because she represents them. Her husband was president & still has tremendous clout in the party. Anyway, how they gonna stop her unless something goes terribly wrong? Like she's exposed as a lesbian or secret Unitarian. The H.W. Bush corporatist Repugs know she's no great danger to them or the profitable Israeli-Saudi balancing act foreign policy. They oughta know after playing so much golf with her emissary, Bill. Hillary's her own person, but she's not radical, & she's hardly a populist. When she appears with Bill, the contrast is not to her advantage. She can't work the crowds like Obama & Edwards, but she has her own kind of celebrity - gets her share of excited screamers (hmm, nah, too easy) - & she's an insider, too. I'm sure there's a lot of fat cat Repugs who would prefer Hillary to a Christian Right ideologue: You can gay bash up to a certain point & then it becomes very bad for business. Likewise for anti- abortion & anti-Hollywood rhetoric, threats of boycotts, etc. The Money doesn't flow that way. Scientific ignorance is valuable when it weakens pollution laws, otherwise useless if not counterproductive. Mitt & Rudy. Think about it.


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