Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Mad George the Second

One of many reasons I support Democrats in New Jersey is their support of health care for children, & the steps they have taken to provide it. There's consensus in the party on this matter & the debate is over. That's why our governor moved so quickly to bring suit against the feds for rule changes that could leave thousands of New Jersey's kids without health care. But there must be a national solution. It shouldn't depend where a child lives or on parental choice or ability to pay. Health care for children must be like education for children. Every child must have access to health care, period. The Children's Health Insurance Program, created during a Democratic adminstration, is the current avenue toward that goal of full coverage. We're spending trillions of dollars on war & weapons, pissing it away. But our dimwit, semi-literate, silver foot in his mouth president, our "pro-life" president, is more haunted by some terrible spectre of socialized medicine than he is by all the very real sickness & death his policies have caused.

We know our Yalie prez doesn't understand irony, although he handed America a great example of it in his Child Health Day proclamation, issued on Monday. Well, not entirely, since he believes the biggest health challenges facing, say, a toddler child of working poor parents are drugs & not making the right choices.


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