Monday, August 06, 2007

Orange Netroots

Jill wraps up her weekend at Yearly Kos. She met Pam "Houseblend" Spaulding. A number of bloggers have griped about the size of the convention facilities, that it was too difficult to get around the place & to meet people. Next year's event, wherever it is & whatever shape it takes, will be quite different. Kos is taking his name off it, & it's OK to question his motives for doing so. Presumably, we'll know the Democratic nominee. So the event becomes the major runup to the National Convention. Both the DNC & the presidential candidate's campaign organization will lay heavy hands on the netroots gathering, trying to control the "messages" coming out of it & suppress the most contentious bloggers (mission impossible). Many Repug agents & dirty trick experts will be there, also, recording every single word spoken on & off the record. A wild weekend for sure.

I think that I will get flamed for saying this, but I watched Jim Lehrer's segment on Daily Kos and I have come to the conclusion that political bloggers are a very self-important lot. I would be surprised in half of them voted...even the ones over 18.
It doesn't matter what you personally think of political bloggers. Their influence is growing. Local political blogs are the next wave.
True about "place" blogs. Won't be long before they give a lot of local politicos of both parties the willies. Blue New Jersey is gaining influence that seems disproportionate to the number of registered users (2000) & low comment thread activity. But some legislators, like Linda Stender, are hip to the possibilities.
Bob, as an occasional BlueJersey blogger, I still think that BJ stirs up political insiders - albeit progressive ones - more than getting the disaffected masses more involved in the political scene. Blogging is nice, but to me, it just seems that the elite, connected ("wired") minority is patting each other on the back over political mechanics that the majority of the public doesn't know or care about. I don't see much of a difference between political bloggers and fanboys who obsess over the latest hack to Grand Theft Auto or Star Wars rumor. Yes, it's an exclusive club that loves to discuss politics, but if these well-meaning bloggers think that they're changing the world, they are a tad delusional.
I've calmed down a bit as I tried to live up to my handle, but I must admit that poster huntsu over at Blue Jersey and DailyKos has been doing a very in-depth expose on GOP hack/US Attorney Chris Christie for the past few months while the New Jersey newspapers treat the big man with kid gloves. So mea culpa, you political bloggers can be alright sometimes :-)
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