Meanie [the queenie], one of Gina's four cats I visit when she's at the shore on weekends. Meanie thinks a human lap is her absolute entitlement. I do not, particularly when I am surfing Gina's satellite channels or reading the newspaper. She sneaks into the room, runs the last few feet & jumps on. This is compulsion, not true neediness. So when gently rejected, Meanie makes an indignant noise & sulks on the end of the couch until she decides to move to the afghan behind my head. She's usually content there, sleeping or gazing out the window. Sometimes she decides to wash my thin hair. Sometimes, if she's moody & I forget about her & move my head, I feel her claw in my scalp. Yes, I do award her my lap during a movie or Mets game, as long as she keeps those claws reasonably retracted when I scritch her.
Labels: cats
# posted by Bob : 4:41 PM

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be." Thomas Jefferson