Monday, May 28, 2007

Charlies Nelson Reilly

age 76. Tony Award winning actor, director, TV actor, teacher, game show regular, & one of the best late night talk show raconteurs - knew a lot more than he could safely reveal about celebrities. I enjoyed his appearances with Johnny Carson. A self-deprecating man in public, he had a long, diverse show business career. Favorite Tonight Show story: talked about an all-night party on his boat - obviously a gay time, breaking up at sunrise just as John Wayne, docked nearby, was hoisting an American flag. Reilly, insinuating he was naked, shouted, "Good Morning, Duke," stood at attention & saluted.

You can call this beautiful weather if you want, but when the temperature goes to 80+ degrees in Jersey for two weeks from late May into early June, that's an unusual heat wave, & it makes me wonder about July. Where were those cool breezy May days?

At least I got some laundry done. Watched a little bit of "Patton" on a big screen TV, movie I've seen too many times & now seems more George C. Scott than General George. About 15 minutes of "The Wedding Singer" convinced me it was awful despite Drew Barrymore, who wasn't required to act anyway.

Had no idea Reilly was a Tony winner (and multiple nominee) until he died. He lived in my memory as a c-list actor and game show regular, which simply wasn't true- it was just where he was in the late seventies.

He seemed to always be enjoying himself. I hope so.
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