Friday, May 18, 2007
Whores of Babylon
James C. Dobsdoodle, Ph.D announced, "Rudy's not the one," ending any possibility that he'd even be a quiet team player for a Giuliani candidacy. Mainly it's over abortion. But the protestant mullah also questions Rudy's private life, specifically his three marriages, quoting one of my Democratic political heroes, Harry S. Truman, "How can I trust a man if his wife can't?" A curious reference given his reputed preference for a Newt Gingrich candidacy. Newt is the thrice-married devout Christian who filed for divorce from his gravely ill first wife because she was too sick & not pretty enough to be a First Lady, then had an affair with a young congressional staffer while still married to his second, & had 84 ethics charges filed against him while he was speaker of the house. So it's becoming fun watching Rudy, McCain & Mitt alienate the religious right leadership on a variety of counts while Southern Baptist pastor Mike Huckabee & catechism Catholic convert Sam Brownback wonder what's wrong with them? Dobson wants another born again president with an insecure grasp of the Bible who consults with him on foreign policy, as Bush did last week. Presumably, Dobson advises based on his interpretation of the Book of Revelation. George needs to know, if Saddam wasn't the Whore of Babylon, who the heck is, Dobsie?
"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be." Thomas Jefferson