Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Maureen & Al

Maureen Dowd: Hey, Al, look at me!
Al Gore: Iraq.
Mo: I only resemble a 55 year old journalist; actually I'm a young Irish princess, that's what mom always told me.
Al: Civil liberties.
Mo: I don't NEED men, you know.
Al: Global warming.
Mo: Rich, virile, powerful leaders desire me. Henry Kissinger just goosed me ...again.
Al: Katrina, New Orleans.
Mo: I won a Pulitzer for writing about how ugly Monicas were destroying America. Are you listening?
Al: Internet neutrality.
Mo: What makes you think you're such a hunk that you can ignore me?
Al: Disastrous Bush-Cheney foreign policy.
Mo: You're fat, Al, FAT FAT FAT. Fat guys can't be president. I won't let them. That's why I made Bubble Boy win in 2000. It was me, not the Votomatic punch card shenanigans.
Al: Rove, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, Gonzales.
Mo: Hey, Barack, look at me!
Barack Obama: Can't talk now, Mo, gotta run. You have a ciggy I can borrow?

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