Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Cindy Sheehan

Cindy Sheehan was never so effective, or nonpartisan, as when she was standing alone by a road outside Bush's ranch in Crawford Texas. The heat was brutal. She represented every grieving parent & spouse who had doubts about the cause for which a loved one had died or been maimed. Her request was simple: She wanted to talk to the President who had claimed time & again that he was grieving, too. This was only weeks before Katrina. Those events, Cindy's simple protest & the terrible storm, & Bush's sociopath responses to both, were punches from which he has never recovered, & from which unfortunately he has learned nothing.

Now "Cindy Sheehan is resigning." I wish she had remained "nonpartisan" The left was already in her corner; she was a galvanizing person who could touch the rest of the country. She needed to surround herself with other Gold Star Mothers, widows, & war veterans. She was not a very good writer, & she had an undeniable emotional frailty. She did what she believed was the right thing by adopting forums such as Move On & Kos. It was not the right thing. The left encouraged her to be The Inconsolable Wailing Irish Woman, & Casey Sheehan made into an iconic "every mother's son," which of course he was not. No one is. One only has to peruse the hundreds of sycophantic comments that attached themselves to every one of her diaries, & look at the shit thrown at her from the right, to realize how trapped & exposed she must have felt. So I'm glad she's going to the sidelines as a "leader," & doing so with angry words for those Democrats who recently betrayed our troops. Including Democrats Kos heartily supported, & two I've voted for. Because the only way to really "help the troops" now is by rescuing them, bringing them home, & thanking them as generously as we can by providing for their needs. & taking control of our armed forces back from the ruinous corporate profiteers & evangelical zealots. & thanking Cindy for going to Texas in 2005 & doing so much to expose the fool & fraud we have for a president.

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