Phil, Sheldon, X Ray Burns on the deck outside WFMU Studio B. X Ray's co-host of the
Glen Jones Programme. I've known Phil since the 90s at the old East Orange studios, he's now slowly filming a documentary about the station. I met Sheldon back in 1990 at the Pottersville Tube Race, which required more wading & leg bruising than floating. He was racing, I was waiting for my sister & brother-in-law to cross the finish line. Turned out he was a longtime WFMU listener, not easy in the hilly areas of north Jersey, & he actually knew who I was, which always makes me feel like a minor celebrity. Sheldon lives pretty close to my sister if you hike a few miles through woods directly over a mountain across private property loaded with deer ticks, brambles, poison ivy, & probably some bears. I was never tempted to try it. At the community picnic following the race, Sheldon had a well-stocked beer cooler & was grilling first rate kielbasa, so naturally I gravitated to his family's circle of lawn chairs. I've enjoyed his hospitality at his comfortable home a few times, located far up a narrow road one wouldn't even notice without directions, the sort of place one might find little reason to leave except to stock up on provisions & pick up the mail at the post office.
Labels: WFMU
# posted by Bob : 7:18 PM

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be." Thomas Jefferson