Friday, September 15, 2006

Hoe Down

Virginia Senate candidate George Allen is holding a fund-raising "Hoe Down" in October & his ticket price levels are like fantasy scenarios one might purchase at a Nevada Ho House:

Ranch Hand $50.00

Buckaroo $1,000.00

Cow Boss $2,500.00

Ranch Boss $5,000.00

El Ranchero Grande $10,000.00

Well, a wrangler can get a "Ranch Hand" just about anywhere & conveniently without even getting off his horse. Nothing unusual about the "Buckaroo" price, yippi-i-oo. "Ranch Boss" is easy to imagine; the lady wears a ten gallon hat, brings out the spurs, whip, maybe even a branding iron. The "El Ranchero Grande" really must be something.

Ridem 'em, cowboy!
As we say in Jersey, "Is that a real horse or what?"
How much does it cost to be a "Macaca"?
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