Monday, June 12, 2006

Great vintage Hawaiian shirt store, mostly waaay too pricey but what a selection! I got to thinking about this after viewing pics of the successful lst YearlyKos convention in Vegas, many hundreds of liberal/left blogger wonks, activists & organizers behaving themselves, attending panel conferences & listening to the speeches of politician supplicants. Howard Dean represented the white shirt sans tie style of men's wear. Apparently, only Mark Warner bankrolled a big party at the event. My guess is that Dem hopefuls will flock to YearlyKos in '07, with a great increase in hospitality occasions even if Kos discourages them, & despite the leftist disdain for such perks. But I'm from Jersey; this blogger would consider a candidate's poolside open bar cocktail hour a convention entitlement, a thank you for my traveling all the way to Vegas to demonstrate I'm liberal.

György Ligeti
Ligeti’s international status received a backhanded compliment when, in 1968, Stanley Kubrick appropriated — without the composer’s knowledge or consent — large parts of three recently recorded works for the soundtrack of his film, 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Eventually Ligeti was paid a paltry sum by MGM, but he undoubtedly benefited from the publicity attendant on the success of the film, and Kubrick used more of his music in later films, paying appropriately.

Paris Hilton can't sing, can't act, isn't attractive, possessed only a narrow range of emotions, narcissistic, sexually jaded, she could be psychopathic. There's limited possibilities of where a talk show host can go with her as a guest, since she doesn't need to care what anyone thinks. Until a few years ago, Dave Letterman would've made her the joke. For a brief period Hilton was almost an "A" list midweek celebrity guest, back when her sex tape & "reality" show were new. Then it was discovered that she's boring, unfunny, utterly devoid of charm; a stiff. Now she's top-billed on the kind of Monday show that has the New York Times crossword puzzle editor as second guest, no musical act; a show Letterman throws away long before the lousy Top Ten.

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