Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Hurray. Lizzie's been writin' & revealin'. She retains command of her physical body at college & gets hate mail in response. We learn how she came to prefer the company of demonic children to boring adults. She slices deli meat during summer break while mulling over feminist novels & doesn't add her thumb to a hoagie, yet you never get the impression multi-tasking comes easily. It's all singularly personal & peculiarly familiar. & underneath it all there's her private resistance to the heretical, sour Jansenist Catholicism that took all the fun out of paganism (Face it, Italians are happier Catholics), was transplanted to America, drove my own dad out of the Church, & moved my rebellious Irish high school girlfriend (oldest of 6) to the backseat of the car.

Blake would love this one, it's wonderful.
Never has someone spoke of my writing so kindly -- I take it as a tremendous compliment from such a gifted poet and pundit as yourself. You made my day. Thank you.
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