Wednesday, May 24, 2006

General Motors is running a slick TV spot telling us how much they care about veterans. So if you decide to drop $35,000 on, say, a GMC Envoy Denali SUV between now & Memorial Day, they'll donate $100, that's right, ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS to a home for the orphans of soldiers. Wow, such patriotic concern will surely move many to tears & to their local GM gas guzzler dealer.

On the phone last night with a wingnut friend (she's 75). She listens to WABC radio in New York (Limbaugh Hannity Levin Ingraham) & complained that those shows are interrupted by "liberal" news reports. I know better than try to argue that radio news in New York is reasonably unbiased; even on the all-news stations most of it is a headline & a few sentences of bland copy, & only seems "liberal" when you believe those talk show jackasses are reporters & merely balancing out the leftist tilt of the four minutes of national & world news you get on the hour. So terrible news like "Ten soldiers killed in Baghdad bomb attacks" sounds like an anti-war slogan because it isn't "Ten soldiers hand out Hershey Bars to Iraqi school children." Her irrational reactionary views - which aren't even genuinely conservative to me - drove a wedge into our friendship before Clinton left office, back when impeaching an intelligent, competent, articulate, & centrist sitting president for a marital infidelity was more important to her than than the peace & prosperity that coincided with his two terms. Now you got it all, & look you got! Wars, corruption, incompetence, a stumbling economy, & an adminstration that pre-emptively invades our privacy & undermines our freedom on the grounds that if a cabal of Arabic-speaking Islamic fundamentists somehow take over America we'll be even worse off.

It drives me crazy when I hear someone complain about the "liberal" media. There are very few truly liberal media outlets, and some conservative ones too- but what we really have is a sensationalist media, which likes to cherry-pick the most dramatic headlines in an attempt to shock audiences into listening. It they go any deeper, it's usually to stress just how shocking the story is.
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