Monday, May 15, 2006
Am I dreamin
Yipes. Am I dreaming? Could it really be that I approximately agree with George W. Bush on the on the matter of undocumented immigrants? Which is to make a demonstration of increased border security, however impossible the job is, provided those damned vigilante "Minutemen" go home. & give these people some legitimate, safe paths for proceeding toward citizenship. Have to wait & see, because neither competence nor conducting debates in a "reasoned and respectful tone" are trademarks of this presidency or his party. The border governors are still bitchin' of course. Gov. Married-a-Kennedy complains that he wasn't "consulted." Nervous Republicans everywhere are consulting their personal mullahs to find out which way the faith-based base is bouncing. But this photo by Carrie over at Carrie's Bar & Grill says a lot. The huge L.A. march on May 1 went right by her home.

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"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be." Thomas Jefferson
Great picture, isn't it? However, my daughter actually snapped that one, not me. Hopefully, I didn't take credit for it on my blog (slap me).
As for Bush's stance on immigration, I'm not sure he really has one that you could actually be in agreement with, Bob. This National Guard thing is just a publicity stunt meant to somehow offer him a photo op along with the illusion of catering in some way to the wingnuttery. But, if the guard were ever an option, why wasn't that done years ago? Additionally, only last year the blasted head of FEMA poopooh'd the idea as too costly to implement, and a poor use of resources.
As for Bush's stance on immigration, I'm not sure he really has one that you could actually be in agreement with, Bob. This National Guard thing is just a publicity stunt meant to somehow offer him a photo op along with the illusion of catering in some way to the wingnuttery. But, if the guard were ever an option, why wasn't that done years ago? Additionally, only last year the blasted head of FEMA poopooh'd the idea as too costly to implement, and a poor use of resources.
Not that this administration has ever made good use of any resources. Bush throws away everything from federal money to human lives. He's so untrustworthy that no matter what he says, we think of Iraq, New Orleans, secret prisons, torture & domestic spying. So it's impossible to imagine that he cares about people in this country who are poor & can't vote at all.
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