Monday, February 20, 2006

Nucular Hummers & Cattle Fart Furnaces

Could a Texan be more full of Texas cowshit than GWB? He just discovered we're on the verge of energy technological breakthroughs that would "startle" most Americans:
One of Bush's proposals would expand research into smaller, longer-lasting batteries for electric-gas hybrid cars, including plug-ins.

During his trip, Bush is also focusing on a proposal to increase investment in development of clean electric power sources, and proposals to speed the development of biofuels such as "cellulosic" ethanol made from wood chips or sawgrass.
Are you startled? We were on the "verge" of these "breakthroughs" during Bush the Elder. Fabulous fortunes in bad ol' oil profits have been earned since then, while the American auto industry drove past the "verge"of collapse. But the big & getting bigger by the hour news in New Yawk is how the White House Junta was surreptitiously trying to hand over our major port operations to a company owned by the United Arab Emirates, also known as Big Wahabi Sheiks & Extended Families, Inc. & the cowshit's hittin' the fan now.

We were all supposed to be solar by the 1990s. The metric system will be the only system you'll use when you're grown up, I was told in elementary school. Whenever these things get press, I react the same way you do. I keep hearing about it, and try to act accordingly, but we're still waiting for actual change.

BTW, Andrew at Did I say that out loud? has a post about an alternative energy form that's pretty much a win-win until you get to the details- and will therefore probably fail too.
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