Wednesday, February 01, 2006

a bush league protest

Gotta get this off my mind.
I have great respect for Cindy Sheehan as a person, but as a leader in the war opposition she's made one damned foolish tactical choice after another. Standing alone on a hot road outside Bush's holiday retreat her position was nearly unassailable. Everyone listened to her. She was speaking directly to America. She was family, & we knew it. Then came the "movement," Camp Casey & the iconic elevation of her son. She began preaching to the already-converted at dKos & MoveOn. Last week she was cozying up to Hugo Chavez, coming at us from the outside. Last night she had the opportunity to make it all good again if she'd just dressed for the occasion, gone inside the Capitol, sat down, let her silent presence speak in a way that elected Democrats are afraid to do. She would've stolen a large piece of the spotlight from the President. & afterward, a swarm of media. In August I thought she was a great missionary. Because she didn't have to put the numbers on her shirt to make us remember the dead & wounded. Last night she made the issue freedom of expression - a freakin' dress code, not the Iraq War.

I disagree with you, especially given the fact that Beverly Young, wife of Rep. C.W. Bill Young of Florida, was also ejected for wearing a disagreeable T-shirt.

More importantly, the rumor that has been unsubstantiated, that Sheehan will run against Feinstein in California ... do not sell her short. She could very well be a formidable for.
Love ya. But I still say it was an ill-considered tactic. If she had been well-dressed (in black of course), dignified, & silent, the story would've been about the War, not about what Cindy wore.
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