Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Well, isn't that special!?

So I'm supposed to be beaming with Garden State Pride that a right wing jurist from the land of the duck-billed dinosaur fossil is nominated for the Supreme Court? Like Judge Samuel Alito gets a bye because he's a successful Roman Catholic Italian-American from the New Jersey? As Church Lady says, "Well, isn't that special!?" Catholic League professional wingnut William Donahue* says Judge Alito is Hey, yo! by him, & that's an automatic disqualification here. Let Judge Alito make the "Bad Catholic" list of a communion nazi like Bishop Galante of Camden ("No Eucharist for YOU!") & I'll reconsider.

*DUMP FEMA: FEDS SHOULD AID CHURCHES. (& hand every federal agency Bush ruins over to religious groups.)

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