Saturday, November 19, 2005
More Jersey Toadyism
"If American families are making sacrifices and 'tightening their belts,' the federal government can too!"
Say what? I'll give this much to Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen (NJ-11): at least he attempts to rationalize why he voted for the Deficit Reduction Act. Of course, it's all horseshit. Our six GOP congressmen are nothing if not full of horseshit. Come election time, even the wingnuts among them like Mike Ferguson try to convince us they are "moderates." Which means they want us to believe they believe government has some useful & helpful roles in our lives. But they follow right along with their radical right Texan leadership in dismantling or gratuitously privatizing government services. They fall into lockstep when voting billions extra for war, billions in tax breaks for their fabulously rich patrons, billions for the corporate puppeteers pulling their strings. There isn't an independent, courageous voice among them. They know how far out they are on their party's geographic fringe: a northeast state that votes blue for president, blue for senator, blue for governor, blue for state legislature, blue even when maybe blue doesn't deserve to win. They're at the edge & their party leadership is suspicious of them. I can't find any evidence of why this should be so. It never seems to to occur to these congressmen why this state is drifting so blue even as union membership declines & suburban counties grow. It's because their national party is controled by radicals: religious radicals who want to make American a "Christian" nation after their own premillennial dispensational doctrines. Foreign policy radicals who thumb noses at international treaties & advocate unilateral "nation building." Political radicals with a "starve the beast" strategy of killing off every federal program that represents the essential decency & compassion of the American people. & torture: let's talk about torture, Rodney. Cheney says it OK, but only the courage of John McCain made you give a damn. We don't like the radicalism of your party & president. We don't like the war, the secret prisons, the lies, the coverups. & there are voices, very loud ones, within the GOP saying that the party is still too centrist. We can't pretend that the Republicans are truly, rationally conservative, which is why Rodney's comments on the Reduction Act are so bogus. You voted to crank up the deficit as part of a grand strategy to "starve the beast" by doing exactly what you did on Thursday. You are shameless. If we had the sort of justice in this state that macho Texans like our President advocate, you'd be dragged out into the street & have that horseshit horsewhipped out of you. We're not Texans, though. How do we get through to you?
"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be." Thomas Jefferson