Friday, October 07, 2005

Say it Five Times Fast

It's not my usual practice to listen to Presidential
speeches. But WCBS radio happened to broadcast the
whole thing yesterday - usually the station cuts away
rather than skip too many traffic/weather segments "on
the sevens." I was too lazy to walk over & turn it
off. Just as the speech began sinking into ambient
sound, the smooth delivery of this impressive
mouthful caught my ear:
"Yet the evil of that morning has reappeared on other days in other places -- in Mombasa and Casablanca and Riyadh and Jakarta and Istanbul, in Madrid, in Beslan, in Taba and Natanya and Baghdad and elsewhere."
Wow. Substitute "dance" or "rhythm" for "evil" & you
have a Your Hit Parade novelty from the 1940's, maybe
Bing Crosby with the Andrews Sisters.

To my amazement, a couple of minutes later he did it again:
"in places like Somalia and the Philippines and Pakistan and Chechnya and Kashmir and Algeria."
Stringing em together almost into Danny Kaye "Tchaikowsky" territory.
& not a sign of the stumbling or stammering Bush exhibits
when he's unscripted.

Alas, he moved on to the usual apocalyptic
possibilities, you can consult John the Revelator for
policy details. That was enough. I turned off the
radio & waited for the NYT transcript.

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