Saturday, October 29, 2005

Poor ol' Scooter, who "sacrificed much in service to this country."

It's all about non-existant weapons of mass destruction. & those WMD's are why we invaded Iraq, no matter how Rumsfeld & Cheney twisted the justifications later. They tried to suppress the truth, & for a long time - no thanks to our First Amendment - they succeeded.

No gloating here over Libby. The criminals are still in charge. Iraq is one of the great tragedies in American history. It followed close upon another - 9/11, & more storms will come before we overcome Katrina, Rita, Wilma. Plus a tsunami & an earthquake, both caused by the tectonic processes of "intelligent design" set in motion a mere ten-thousand years ago.

So the House Agricultural Committee approves $574 million reduction in food stamp spending. That's one way to buy another few months of bombs, bullets, blood, bodies, & Bush bullshit.

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