Thursday, September 29, 2005

and God save the Queen she ain't no human bein'

Tony Blair: Prime minister, Labour leader, punk icon.

"It sounds unlikely but how else could you explain Mr Blair's choice of walk-on music for his big party conference speech on Tuesday? Not the vaguely uplifting soft rock anthem normally chosen for these occasions, something by The Lighthouse Family, perhaps, or U2, but the sound of angry young London circa 1978: Sham 69."

Ronald Reagan's '84 campaign strangely tried to use Born In the U.S.A. (Springsteen stopped that fast) which has these uplifting morning-again-in-America lyrics about my Jersey neighborhood:

Down in the shadow of the penitentiary
Out by the gas fires of the refinery
I'm ten years down the road
Nowhere to run, ain't got nowhere to go
I'm a long gone Daddy in the U.S.A.

Maybe Bruce could have put two conditions on Reagan's use of the song. First, always have to play at least one verse along with the chorus. Second, all royalties Reagan generates go to the Mondale campaign.
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