Tuesday, August 30, 2005
myfuture.com is disguised as a helpful site for guiding young people who are "Trying to figure out what to do? Or what you'd like to do?" In fact, it is part of JAMRS (Joint Advertising Market Research & Studies), a Pentagon project that has compiled a huge database of potential recruits. The "No Child Left Behind Act" has a provision that requires public high schools to hand over private student information to military recruiters. The purpose of this invasion of family privacy is to allow minor students to be recruited at home by telephone calls, mail and personal visits. If a school does not comply, it risks losing vital federal education funds.
But the MMOB (Mainstreet Moms Operation Blue) is wise to this "sneaky Pete" strategy.
# posted by Bob : 6:59 PM

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be." Thomas Jefferson