Thursday, March 31, 2005
Whenever President Bush uses the phrase "culture of life" I feel like throwing up. If he wants to be a true "pro-life" conservative then why doesn't he adopt the morally consistent positions of Pope John Paul II? Where was this "culture of life" when Bush was sending men & women by the dozens to the Texas death chambere while ignoring appeals for mercy even from the Pope? What kind of "culture of life" is he advocating when he proposes billions of dollars in cuts to life-saving social programs? There's something seriously awry in the mind & heart of a man who is for a constitutional amendment banning abortions, for intervention in end-of-life cases like Terri Schiavo, but against everything the government does to help people inbetween birth & death. What His Royal Smugness really promotes is culture of moral hypocrisy, encouraging a radical right wing protestant sub-minority to bully the rest of America as he deliberately garbles his meanings for the benefit of late night TV comedians, masquerades as a good ol' boy, & plays real-life games of Risk with his fellow greedy & amoral military-industrial billionaires.
"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be." Thomas Jefferson