Tuesday, March 22, 2005

A poll by Strategic Vision has 61% against congressional intervention. I don't hold that something is is right & true because most people are for it. But the Republican congress & the president mis-read the American majority they claim to represent in the Terri Schiavo case, just as they have been mis-interpreting the meaning of Bush's re-election victory; which is why Dubya's Social Security plan has come down to ridiculous arguments over whether he advocates "private" or "personal" accounts.
Too bad the Republicans never get so riled up on behalf of sick Americans who aren't in a persistent vegetative state, or the homeless, or the working poor, or our exploited National Guard soldiers, or those condemned by the Texas judicial killing machine. You'll never see them call a special session of Congress to address these problems. States rights are great as long as the rights don't differ from the Republican national agenda. & the Schiavo ruling proves you can't trust the damned activist Federal courts even in a "red" state unless they put the Ten Commandments in the lobby & a Republican in the White House.
# posted by Bob : 4:14 PM

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be." Thomas Jefferson