Tuesday, March 08, 2005
E-lec-trical Banana
What a slow, slow night co-hosting with Stan. I thought we pitched really well, across a variety of reasons to pledge, but the phones just did not ring enough. After three a.m. rumors started that NYC Mayor Bloomberg was coming to the studio for Nachum Segal's Jewish Moments show - it's an election year - finally confirmed when Nachum himself showed up before five; the appearance scheduled for 7:20, at least half-an-hour after I'd be gone. But no one had to tell me that hizzoner's security people would no doubt make a quick inspection of the premises , & since that could happen at any time it seemed wise to, ah, empty the ashtrays early. Put it this way, the thought that a team of plainclothes New York cops might walk in did not help the groove.
"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be." Thomas Jefferson