Thursday, October 07, 2004

Why is the re-election of George W. Bush even a possibility? Shouldn't we at this point be demanding the appointment of a Special Prosecutor & giving some serious thought to impeaching the incompetent, lying son-of-a-bitch? This isn't about an Oval Office blowjob, it's about screwing the American people & causing the unnecessary deaths of over one-thousand of our young people, the physical & emoptional maiming of thousands more, & the waste of billions in tax dollars.

When did contriving a foreign war become conservative? When did this kind of deficit spending become conservative? When did the waste of natural resources become conservative? When did "outsourcing" jobs & undermining what remains of America's self-reliance in manfacturing become conservative? When did this hypocritical mockery of traditional Judeo-Christian love with an unfettered, amoral international corporate capitalism become conservative? The Bush/Cheney administration is not conservative. I don't know what it is, but I'm afraid to think of what it might be.
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