Saturday, October 02, 2004

Millions of Americans who had known John Kerry only from sound bites & scurrilous stories circulated around work & church finally had an opportunity to see that he isn't: A. Satan incarnate & B. A wimp. This should have been obvious all along. I really doubt that the anti-christ will be an American Roman Catholic, given the fading influence of that church in the United States. & wimps did not command swift boats in Vietnam. Recall that George McGovern & Walter Mondale, both decorated WWII combat pilots, had their patriotism sullied by Republicans. As happened to GOP Sen. McCain when he dared challenge George W. for the nomination in 2000. Mondale, by failing to stand up to Reagan in a 1984 televised debate, did serious damage to the National Democratic Party.

But John Kerry did stand up to George W. Bush like he'd been looking forward to it, while our president scowled, sneered, turned his head away in disgust, appearing very much like a guy in a bar who thought he could do or say anything because his pals would stop his opponent from throwing an unchallenged left hook to his nose & settling the "Who's really more macho?" question once & for all.

It wasn't enough to win Kerry the election, he has a month to do that. But it did show a lot of Americans that Kerry has Commander-in-Chief stuff. This man fought in Vietnam & then came home & opposed the war in public, before a congressional committee, while Richard Nixon was doing everything within his power, legal & illegal, to discredit & undermine the anti-war movement. He understands more about foreign policy & world history now than Bush has learned as president. There is nothing about Kerry to indicate he is soft on "terrorism" & Islamic radicals. But the Bush family & friends swim in same sea of oil with the Saudi Royal family & are in no position to preach democratic ideals to Wahabi Muslims. Radical Islam is a wide, diverse religious movement, not a monolith, that measures time in whole generations rather than one or two presidential terms of office.

The American voter is more fickle & undecided than the polls have been indicating (remember, only about half of those polled actually vote), particularly independent women, who were alarmed by the recent terrorist tragedy at a Russian school. Hopefully, Kerry has reassured them that he can protect America, & now can move on to the clear advantages he holds over Bush on education, environment, & health.
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