Saturday, October 16, 2004

An Associated press story says: "The National Annenberg Election Survey found that 62 percent in the military sample said the administration didn't send an adequate number of troops to Iraq. And 59 percent said too much of a burden has been put on the National Guard and the reserves when regular forces should have been expanded instead.

Family members were more critical of the administration's Iraq policy than those on active duty."

But what the hell do I know from logic? Another poll has nearly 70% of active duty military personnel voting for Bush. Granted, even, that the military & immediate families are more conservative than Americans generally, this huge margin doesn't make much sense to me. & Bush is bluntly accusing John Kerry of being "unfit" to lead country.

Since the beginning of primary campaign, I have not found John Kerry enough electoral votes on the map to win this election, just because he's John Kerry from Massachussetts. But the situation in Iraq is close to what I considered "worst case" at the beginning of 2004 . That's my bleak sensibility. It just seems to me that these final weeks of the campaign must trend perfectly toward Kerry; all Bush has to do is maintain. For a contrasting, more hopeful view, check out Republican pollster Frank Luntz's assessment that Bush is in big trouble.
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