Thursday, June 24, 2004

With typically nonsensical American reasoning, fifty-four percent of those polled recently said it was a mistake to send U.S. troops to Iraq; Fifty-five percent also said they don't believe the war has made the United States safer from terrorism. So, clear majorities are saying George W. Bush screwed up badly. But forty-seven percent said Bush would do a better job on Iraq, compared with forty-six percent who picked Kerry. "And while six in ten of those polled said they believe Kerry could handle the job of commander-in-chief, most Americans indicated that they trust Bush more in that role, fifty-one percent to forty-three percent."

This is like saying the incompetent surgeon who left a sponge & forceps inside you when he sewed you up is also best qualified & most trustworthy to remove them compared to a doctor with more education & experience.

When I had my first operation for a detached retina, my surgeon (Bush) sent a surrogate (Rumsfeld) to do the job. The operation failed. I regret not consulting a lawyer - I might have owned a shore house, but I at least dismissed those doctors & hired another (Kerry), who fixed the problem. Add YOUR comments here

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