Sunday, October 12, 2003

Late Show with David Letterman Top Ten:
"Pieces of Advice Gray Davis Has for Arnold Schwarzenegger,"

10. Governor, when you realize you don't know what you're doing, give me a call.

9. Body-building oil will stain the mansion's Italian silk sofa.

8. Listen to your constituents -- except Michael Jackson (news).

7. (Sorry, joke number 7 was recalled.)

6. To improve your approval ratings, go on Leno -- when you get kicked out, go on Letterman."

5. Study the master -- George W. Bush."

4. You could solve the deficit problem simply by donating your salary from 'Terminator 3."'

3. If things are bad, just yell, 'Save us, Superman!"'

2. While giving a speech, never say, "Santa Cruz, Santa Barbara ... same thing."

1. It's pronounced "California."

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